
connecting to the gumstix

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Connecting to the gumstix


The gumstix, in combination with the GPSstix expansion module we use, can theoretically communicate via USB, serial, and Bluetooth. The latter is only available on the slower 400MHz version of the verdex, so is not configured for use as we will be mainly using the faster 600MHz version.

Usage of the USB connection is problematic, see here

So in the end we did everything via the serial line (FFUART)


Here's how the adapter plugs into the board:

(so the black mark must point towards the antenna socket)


And here's the serial cable and small adapter unplugged from the board:


After bootup, pd and the parser will be running, so you should see a list of parser commands scrolling thru the screen

(note: what you actually see is pd's output. You see this list because (in the first example patch) there's a print object right at the netreceive object. The parser itself only prints to the terminal if there is a problem)


to stop pd and the parser hit ctrl-c


only then you will get to a login:

login: root

password: gumstix


this brings you into your home directory, namely /root

(there are no user accounts on our gumstix)


in /root there's srs.pd which is the pd patch that is executed after boot-up


to upload a new version of this patch, select menu item File->Send ZModem...

or simply hit cmd-S

browse to your file, click OK, that's it


to start pd and the parser again, type this: pd-boot

and hit return


if there's problems and you have questions it's a good idea to copy the whole terminal output. Just select all (cmd-A as usual) then copy and paste into an email message to me.



that's the basic info, the following is some further background information



other scripts than pd-boot


if you want to run a different pd patch you have to use the pd-run command, e.g.

pd-run old-srs.pd

this will also start the parser just as pd-boot does


if you want to run a pd patch w/o starting the parser it's:

pd-only 14osc.pd

which is useful to run little test patches


if you want to run srs.pd with pre-recorded data:




ZTerm configuration


If you have to configure ZTerm again (e.g. when working from a different computer) you have to do the following:

- install a driver for your USB-serial cable. If you use the one from me you can find the driver here.

The direct link to the file.

If the site layout changes, look for PL-2303

- in ZTerm itself select your serial driver. If it's the above it's called "usbserial". ZTerm asks you for this the first time it starts. Later you can select it under Settings->Modem Preferences...

- Set the right serial speed. This is done under Settings->Connection... Choose Data rate: 115200, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop Bits: 1, Flow Control: both checkboxes off (i.e. neither Xon/Xoff nor Hardware Handshake)

- Configure the ZModem: Settings->ZModem Options... The "cmd to start receive at other end:" should be rz -y^M (that goes in the upper right text box).

ZTerm itself is available here.

NEW - IMPORTANT: don't forget to set file type to 'Text' or 'Binary' under File->Transfer Convert->

(it should not be ˜MacBinary, neither "Smart" nor "Always")

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